myARCH Installation

Once the host machine OS has been installed, and network services, firewall, and security have been configured, please proceed with the following steps:

  1. From the CHIP repository, login with the credentials you were provided with to access the site.
    1. Click on your username in the upper-right hand corner to access your profile.
    2. Copy/note your API key.

      The location of the API key, on the User Profile screen in the repository interface.

  2. Download the myARCH installation bundle onto the host machine (the example below uses cURL to accomplish this):

    curl -u<YOUR_REPOSITORY_USERNAME>:<YOUR_REPOSITORY_API_KEY> -o myscilhs_install.tar.gz

    Make sure to replace <YOUR_REPOSITORY_USERNAME> with your username, and <YOUR_REPOSITORY_API_KEY> with your key.

  3. Open a bash shell into the machine as a user with sudo privileges.
  4. Untar the distribution into a temporary folder, then go into that folder's installation folder (myscilhs-install-x.x.x) and run the script:

sudo ./ 

The installation script will perform the installation as follows:

  1. Installs and configures Docker
  2. Creates the myscilhs OS user, which will be the administrative owner of the myARCH (aka mySCILHS) suite. (It's recommended that all myARCH administration be performed by this user.)
    1. At the prompt, provide a password.
  3. Asks if the supporting mySCILHS test/demo containers should also be installed - specifically Docker images for an i2b2 server and a REDCap server.
    1. If desired, type 'y' to install these containers.

      i2b2 Oracle database container - MUST READ

      The i2b2 test container is dependent on an Oracle database instance to operate properly. mySCILHS pre-configures this container to utilize an accompanying Oracle container. Because of Oracle's license restrictions this container must be built manually AFTER downloading the database software directly from Oracle.

      Click here for instructions on how to prepare the i2b2 data container.

      This container MUST be built and exist on the myARCH host machine for the test i2b2 container to work.

  4. Configures the myARCH Docker cluster and associated environment variables.
  5. Configures the cluster network configuration.  The installer will ask you to select which type of network profile to use for this cluster, which corresponds to what type of access the myARCH host machine will have at your network location:
    1. Standalone: The host machine has network (outbound) access to your institution's REDCap and i2b2 services, and can be accessed (inbound HTTPS) externally by the IVR system.
    2. Intranet: The host machine has network access to REDCap and i2b2, but can NOT be accessed by the IVR system. 
    3. Extranet: The host machine does NOT have access to REDCap and i2b2, but can be accessed by the IVR system.

      mySCILHS Network Configuration

      In the above scenario, configurations (b) and (c) are designed to work together to pass activation and response messages to the IVR system while avoiding the necessity of opening up a port on your organization's firewall. It is recommended in that scenario that a myARCH cluster configured to run (c) should be located on your organization's DMZ.

      Please click here for more information on configuring myARCH clusters on an intranet and extranet host.

  6. Installs the myARCH application configuration files
  7. Installs a temporary self-signed certificate and key into the following locations:
  8. <MYSCILHS_HOME>/certs/host.crt

    Real SSL Certificates Required

    IMPORTANT: Certificates will be used by the HTTPS proxy as an identifier. While self-signed certificates are provided for convenience in initial installation and testing, please immediately replace these temporary certificates with a certificate signed by a trusted CA. (Keep the file name the same, just replace the content.)

    1. When you have the real host certificate, add it to the myARCH truststore. (See an example of that here.)

If everything ran successfully, you will see the following message:

MySCILHS installation complete!