Backing up

Backing up Dockerized data volumes (intranet and standalone configurations only)

The myARCH cluster utilizes Docker data volumes to store files created by the myARCH database container.  (This is typically a named volume labeled 'docker_mysqlvolume' in a standard configuration.)  In order to back these files up to the file system, do the following:

  1. Create a backup directory (e.g. /backup).
  2. Run the following command:

    Backing up the mySCILHS data volume
    docker run --rm --volumes-from docker_mysqlvolume -v $(pwd):/backup tar cvf /backup/backup.tar /var/lib/mysql

    This will create a tarball of the myARCH mySQL database.

  3. Copy/move/backup that tarfile according to your organization's policies.

Backing up myARCH home directory

It's also a good idea to backup the $MYSCILHS_HOME directory, as it contains certificates, cluster and application configuration files that would need to be re-configured in the case of data loss.