How to Use myARCH - end-to-end example and system test






MyARCH Walkthrough


Stanley Boykin
Paul Blazejewski 




Emily Conner

Copyright:© 2016 - 2019, Boston Children's HospitalLicense:

The myARCH documentation
is licensed under a 
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike
4.0 International License.

This document describes an end-to-end walkthrough of how to manage the transmission of Survey Data in a myARCH project - from the import of Contact Demographic data into REDCap, to the validation of survey responses within i2b2.  This also will serve as a system test to make sure everything has been installed properly.


This document also assumes that a REDCap VM is installed and configured, and that a myARCH project has been created/configured on that system. (For more detailed instructions on installing and configuring REDCap, please refer to the REDCap Installation and Configuration page.

This document also assumes the audience has familiarity with using REDCap projects, specifically managing contact demographic and survey records.

This document also assumes the audience has familiarity with SQL and querying and Oracle database, as that will be used to verify the transmission of the sample data into i2b2.

Workflow diagram

Step-by-step guide

  1. Prepare Contact List
  2. Load Contact list into REDCap
  3. Complete a mySCILHS Survey
  4. Verify survey response was processed