Load Contact list into REDCap

The following steps will load a myARCH-ready Contact list into a REDCap project

  1. In a browser, navigate to the myARCH REDCap project home page (e.g. http://redcap-server.institution.org/redcap), and login. (Please contact the REDCap Site Admin for myARCH login credentials).
  2. Upon login, a listing of accessible projects are listed under 'My Projects'. Click to select the myARCH project.
  3. Under 'Applications', select the 'Data Import Tool'

    REDCap Data Import Tool

  4. Choose the myARCH-ready contact list (created in the last step), and click 'Upload File'.
  5. Resolve any errors you may encounter, making sure that the CSV data adheres specifically to the project template downloaded in step 1.
  6. If everything checks out, import the data