Software and Hardware Dependencies

REDCap is a PHP-based web application that is installed on top of an AMP (or equivalent) solution stack. As such, it can be deployed on multiple platforms. Listed below are third-party software dependencies:

  • REDCap: version 5.6.4 or higher
  • Web server (e.g. Apache, IIS)
  • PHP – version 5.1.2 or higher
  • MySQL database – version 5.0.0 or higher
    • (We recommend an organizationally-managed instance of MySQL that has full backup/recovery capability)
  • MySQL client (e.g. phpMyAdmin)
  • SMTP email server (if sending emails from REDCap)

REDCap has no minimum hardware requirements beyond its initial server footprint (less than 10 MB total for both the web server and MySQL). The REDCap consortium recommends that 10 GB be allocated for the web server and 10GB for the database server for 1 year of heavy use.