Preparing a Dockerized REDCap container

If utilizing the REDCap demo/testing container that accompanies the myARCH installation, it has to be configured to the host machine it is residing on.

Testing and Demonstration Only

NOTE: This REDCap instance should only be used by REDCap-licensed users/organizations for testing and demonstration of the myARCH cluster only. For production use, the site admin should have access to an already-existing, properly-licensed version of a REDCap production instance.

To configure:

Once the myARCH cluster is installed and operational, the REDCap server should be up and running with a status that looks similar to the following:

mySCILHS Cluster - Operational Status (REDCap container highlighted by ===>>>)
[myscilhs@myscilhs-host ~]$ status
       Name              Command      State                                     Ports
activemq              /sbin/my_init   Up>61616/tcp,>61617/tcp,>8161/tcp
docker_i2b2server_1   /sbin/my_init   Up>80/tcp, 9090/tcp
docker_myscilhs_1     /sbin/my_init   Up      8080/tcp, 8443/tcp
====>>> docker_redcap_1       /sbin/my_init   Up      25/tcp, 443/tcp, 80/tcp
i2b2data              /sbin/my_init   Up      1521/tcp, 8080/tcp
myscilhs-db           /sbin/my_init   Up      3306/tcp
proxy                 /sbin/my_init   Up>443/tcp, 80/tcp

Once confirmed, do the following:

  1. Go to the server's REDCap installation (http://<myscilhs-host>/redcap/) and click on Control Center
  2. Under the System Configuration Section in the left-hand menu, click General Configuration.
  3. Change the REDCap base URL to http://<myscilhs-host>/redcap/.

  4. Click Save Changes.

Follow the instructions for REDCap mySCILHS project setup.  Sample data dictionaries can be found at $MYSCILHS_HOME/redcap/data_dictionaries.